How To Make A Google Adsense Account

How To Get A Google Adsense Account

Google Adsense is a simple and free way to earn money online. If you’ve created a website or blog and want to earn money with it, you can apply for a Google AdSense account. Google AdSense allows website publishers of different sizes and experience to earn money through targeted Google ads, which will appear on your website. They don’t approve everyone. There are key things you can do to improve your chances of acceptance, though.
Steps to Getting Approved

1st Step:

First, you have to visit sign-up page of Google AdSense; you can follow this link to reach the particular page! To move on with registration process of Google AdSense, you must have a Google Account. As a blogger, we guess you will be having a Google account, and you can click on Google Account sign in if so. On the other hand, if you don’t have one Google account, you can create an account using the second link.

2nd Step:
This is perhaps the most important step of creating an AdSense account! Second section of registration process, ‘Tell us about your content’, is where you have to provide details about your blogs/websites that you are going to insert these advertisements in. First, in the Website Information section, you have to provide URL of your website and the primary language of website.

In the second part of page, Google AdSense Terms and Conditions and Program Policies, you can see some of the most important factors when it comes to Google AdSense. As you might have heard before, policies include prohibition of clicking on your own ads, placing ads in inappropriate websites such as pornography etc. If your website accepts the mentioned aspects, you can click on the ‘Continue’ button.

3rd Step:
It is the real section of Google AdSense account sign-up process! In order to submit your AdSense application, you’ve to provide contact details of yours. First of all, you have to select country and time zone of yours. In the next section, you have to select which kind of account you have — Business or Individual. You have to be a bit careful here, as the availability of money transfer methods depends upon which kind of account you have. And for your information, you can receive your AdSense revenue through different methods like check, Electronic Funds Transfer and Wire Transfer.

Further, you have to provide your address, to which your revenue checks and PIN will be sent! Here, you have to be quite careful, especially while inputting payee name. Despite the fact that it’s possible for you to change payee name in some countries, it is always appreciated to provide accurate payee name that matches with your bank account. In addition, you have to provide details such as street address, city, state, PIN code and mobile number.

In the third section, you can say how you knew about Google AdSense as well as your preference towards receiving emails from Google. In the latter case, you have an option to select emails that you want in your inbox — you can get a list, consisting of Newsletters, Special Offers etc, to choose from.

Once you have filled in, you can click on ‘Continue’ button given in bottom part of page.

4th Step or Time to Wait
Well, yeah, as you have submitted your AdSense application, it is the time to wait, because Google AdSense team is, nowadays, a bit strict about letting bloggers use their advertising networks. So, the team will review various aspects of your website or blog and mail you.

If your AdSense account has been accepted by the team, you have a few jobs left such as inputting tax information of yours, providing your AdSense PIN etc. Once you have completed all these steps, you will be able to be smooth when it comes to managing your Google AdSense account, and receiving your earnings in the convenient format — let it be EFT, checks or wire transfer.

Doesn’t Everyone Get Approved?

To be honest, its shocking to hear how many people get declined from Google Adsense when they apply.  I’ve received many emails from readers saying that their applications were declined.  I’ve read complaints on forums or comments about the difficulty of getting approved with Google.

I personally have never experienced this.  But I’ve also been very careful when I apply.  Below you will find the process I have used to apply and get approved to Google Adsense.


Check to see if your site is blocked by google by searching for “” on Google. If you see search results, your blog is not blocked.

  • Don't click on your own ads.
  • Don't encourage anybody to click on your ads.
  • Be genuine.
  • Be honest. Don’t try to exaggerate anything about your website or who you are.
The review process can vary. You might hear back in a couple days or it could take a couple weeks.

  • I will not click on my ads nor encourage others to do so.
  • I will not place ads on sites that include adult content, including pornography.
  • I will not place ads on sites involved in the distribution of copyrighted materials.
  • I do not already have a Google AdSense account.
  • I will not place ads on sites that include incentives to click on ads.

Seo Tag: Make A Google Adsense Account, Create an AdSense Account, Apply to Google Adsense, Get Approved Google Adsense

How To Make A Google Adsense Account, How to Create Google AdSense Account, How to Get a Google Adsense Account Approval, How to create Google Adsense Account and Start Making Money Online, How to Apply to Google Adsense and Actually Get Approved, How to Create an AdSense Account

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